About Harper Security & Survey Nico Jonathan

Do you have doubts about your spouse?

Do you want to know if your staff are being honest?

Call on us!

Our family-owned agency has been at your service since 1985.
Today, we chair the Syndicate of European Detectives.

We perform all private and professional demands.

Searching for missing persons, estate consulting, personal surveillance, etc.
We can meet all your demands on a case-by-case basis.

We also specialize in detective work and in placing hidden microphones and/or cameras.

Want to get your hands on spying equipment? We will advise you and provide you with a selection of the best professional products.

Discretion is our priority.

We also offer all types of security equipment, alarms, video surveillance cameras and burgler alarms.

Découvrez Harper Security & Survey Nico Jonathan au Yellow Mag’


40A, Rue robert schumann L-5751 Frisange, Luxembourg

They are connected
Default contact

Nico Jonathan

+352 661 110 715
+33 761 962 155