About Étude d'Avocats Bove Law Office



Anaïs Bove
Attorney-at-law, member of the Luxembourg Bar Council.



Member of the Luxembourg Bar since May 2008, Anaïs Bove is experienced in various areas of law such as civil, labor, intellectual property, administrative, banking & financial law and investment funds, with law studies from Aix-Marseille III University (France, Master’s degree in Business Law), Chuo University (Japan, Bachelor’s degree, LL.M degree in International Business Transaction Law) and the University of Luxembourg (Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg, Advanced Courses in Luxembourgish Law).

Besides business law, she specialized in intellectual property law at Aix-Marseille III University (IT law) and at Chuo University (entertainment, patent and trademark law).

Then she worked for a major law firm in Tokyo, practicing both French and Japanese business and intellectual property law.

In Luxembourg, she continued to acquire new knowledge and experience in litigation, intellectual property, banking & financial law and investment funds within several law firms and banks.

She is member of the Luxembourg Bar Council, the Luxembourg Association of Banking Lawyers (ALJB), the European Lawyers’ Union (UAE) and the Inter-Pacific Bar Association (IPBA).

She is also sworn translator in Japanese before the Supreme Court of the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg and founding member of the Luxembourg Association of Translators and Interpreters (ALTI).

Languages: French, English, Japanese and German.


Advisory and litigation services in the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg in the following areas:

    - Civil law
    - Labor law
    - Intellectual property law
    - Administrative law
    - Commercial law
    - Banking & financial law
    - Luxembourg UCIs


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4, Rue des joncs €- batiment 1 L-1818 Howald, Luxembourg

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Anaïs Bove

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