About Groupe Podologique de la Pétrusse

Pierre-Pascal Palgen - Romain Durastanti - Ingrid Faucon - Anne Le Coadou

Our team of chiropodists offer

  • The treatment of static and dynamic disorders causing pathologies of the muscle and tendon structure in the feet, lower limbs and spinal column by podoscopic analysis, computerised podobarometry and video.

  • Sports podiatry.

  • Preventive podiatry for the diabetic foot.

  • Creation of foot orthoses (thermoformed latex/cork).

  • Creation of toe orthoses (orthoplasties) for the straightening of claw toes and/or hammer toes.

  • Treatment of skin conditions of the foot: ingrown toenails, corns, etc.. Comprehensive care of the foot.

  • Orthonixy interventions (correction of ingrown toenails).

Our staff, Romain Durastanti, Ingrid Faucon and Anne Le Coadou, perform pedicure home care by appointment.


Découvrez Groupe Podologique de la Pétrusse au Yellow Mag’


98, Boulevard de la petrusse L-2320 Luxembourg, Luxembourg

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Default contact

Anne Le Coadou

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